
Showing posts from June, 2022

Week 8

    Kaya Year Three parents and welcome to the start of Week 8. It’s hard to believe that we are nearly halfway through the year. I spent some of my weekend preparing and finalising the children’s mid-year reports and it was such a warm reminder of how hard they have worked this year and how far they have come. The children and yourselves should be very proud of their resilience through a very ‘different’ start to the year.   Excursion The students did an amazing job during our excursion to Ngilgi Cave. They were unbelievable and learnt so much. Mrs Paula Murphy reported back that they were all engaged and enjoyed the experiences with local elder, Josh Whiteland. Cross Country  Cross country is this Thursday. Woop Woop!! Students will head down at 9am for a 9:15am start and it should be finished before recess. Students will sit in their year level with their teachers and are to wear their  FACTION TOPS. The students may choose to bring a teddy...

Year 3 Excursion

  Kaya 3H parents,  Tomorrow is our excursion to Ngilgi Cave. This year we have been learning about the six aboriginal seasons and how they are different to our European seasons. We have also been learning about Indigenous names for local places and plants. To extend this learning, we are heading to Ngilgi Cave to explore the care and learn more about the indigenous cultural of the area. Mr Josh Whiteland of Koomal Dreaming will be joining us and teaching us about the local Wadandi Boodja culture. The Year 3 classes will travel to the cave separately, with students to travel to and from Ngilgi Cave by bus. 3L will attend the morning session and 3H will attend the afternoon session.  S tudents will need to wear their sports uniform and school hat. There will be no additional cost of the excursion.   Please let us know if your child is  NOT allowed  to attend the excursion ASAP via email.  Permission slips will be sent home today and are also attach...